This web site is the Election-Methods Resource (or EMR). It's goal is to provide information about some of the many ways in which groups can make democratic decisions. In particular, it is intended as a reference for people who read the election-methods list (EM).
I started this project to fill what I saw as a need. People frequently asked if EM had a FAQ, and it clearly didn't. From reading the EM archives I discovered two important things. First, that an unsuccessful attempt had been previously made to create a FAQ as a group effort by the contributors to EM. Second, that the EM archives are huge, and the useful information in them is pretty thinly spread out. So, I created this site. I do not claim it to be in any way the official view of the EM list, as there is no such thing.
I have attempted to list some of the more popular methods that have been suggested. I have attempted to describe them in brief, precise, and clear language. If you do not understand something, or believe I have misdefined something, please email me.
Often these methods go by several different names. I put the name I prefer first. In particular, IRV (Instant Run-off Voting) is known by several different names, but I prefer the name IRV because this name is popular among the method's advocates, it makes a reasonable attempt to differentiate the method from others, and it is not likely to be confused with the names of other methods. In particular, I avoided calling it Alternative Voting because this does not really describe the method, and because AV is used to abbreviate both Alternative Voting and Approval Voting.
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